3 captivating tales in 1 collection.
Embark on a journey into the depths of human experience with a collection that brings together three captivating stories that explore the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.
3 captivating tales in 1 collection.
Embark on a journey into the depths of human experience with a collection that brings together three captivating stories that explore the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.
Will Moretti can no longer ignore the gnawing sense that he's just going through the motions of living. The death of his good friend Rich is the catalyst that sends him from New York to a camp for healing in the mountains of southern Arizona. His journey takes him through a series of unforgettable trips and lessons that fracture his worldview. Guided by his instructors, Will examines the relationship of diet to human evolution, and he discovers how the wisdom of the Ancient Masters and the science of quantum physics can help us access our true potential. With the constant reminder of how fragile our lives are, Will pushes himself out of his comfort zone as he opens his heart to the young woman who tends the garden, and he discovers ways to help himself and others lead better lives.
For more than three decades Jimmy McPhail has listened with an ear of disbelief as minority victims and witnesses shared their stories. While the plot and the characters changed, the theme always remained the same. Themes of injustice, hatred and discrimination were the three most reoccurring themes. From verbal and physical abuse, workplace discrimination and even police brutality, the residents of LaGrange have seen it all. Some have been threatened, others beaten, and a few killed. For far too many years, these people have been the recipients of unfair and unjust treatment. Many of them are now dead and gone, yet their stories live on. The Streets of LaGrange is a compilation of their delicate and intricately woven stories.
Although the focus is on the unsolved murders of a priest and female tourists, SANTA FE is a story about the good and the bad of its people, its cultural and social values, its politics, its beauty and its charm.
The city is left in a state of chaos after the brutal murder of a priest is followed by the deaths of female tourists. Are these thrill-kills or serial murders? Uncertainty puzzles state police officials, a female homicide detective, and a district attorney. Complexities set in when the detective and the district attorney become lovers. They increase when she comes to suspect him of being part of at least one of the crimes.
Meanwhile, a power-seeking separatist is vying for the mayor's seat. A powerful state senator known to sanction illicit drug deals supports him, and the outcome of the mayoral race could affect the political and cultural make-up of the city. A middle-aged businessman and an elder represent the conscience of the city and a philosophy in general. One does it by his deeds and his opinions, and the other through his experience and by simple wisdom. Through the elder, a brief history of the area is given.
Of course, Christians have a crisis! As human beings, we are surrounded by temptation, we all make mistakes and we all suffer with trials in our lives. Unfortunately, there are well-intended Christians who attempt to minister to those suffering or in crisis without realizing how their words of wisdom could actually be counterproductive and potentially harmful.
This book is a resource for ministry leaders, parents, teachers, and caregivers regarding mental illness, chronic pain abortion, abuse, and addictions. It also covers marital and family issues. There are facts included throughout the book to reveal the prevalence of each topic and listed resources to increase knowledge in those areas. Scripture is included throughout the book to provide solid Christian counsel through each topic.
If someone came up to you today to reveal they are considering suicide or that they are addicted to porn or prescribed drugs, would you know what to say to them? What if someone wants to talk to you because they believe their spouse is having an affair, or a mother believes her child is being molested or bullied, or their adult child is being abused by their spouse? Would you know how to advise them? Are your words subjective? Are they productive? Are your words factual and scriptural?
As a church, we need to teach that Christ is a loving and forgiving God. We need to have compassion for the misunderstood. As a church, we need to be knowledgeable of current fads, and common problems in societies and families so we know how to respond to crises appropriately. As a church, we need to encourage a safe environment for those in need. We need to minister to people with open minds and open hearts. And we need to know when it is time to reach out for professional help.
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