3 captivating tales in 1 collection.
Embark on a journey into the depths of human experience with a collection that brings together three captivating stories that explore the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.
3 captivating tales in 1 collection.
Embark on a journey into the depths of human experience with a collection that brings together three captivating stories that explore the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.
Will Moretti can no longer ignore the gnawing sense that he's just going through the motions of living. The death of his good friend Rich is the catalyst that sends him from New York to a camp for healing in the mountains of southern Arizona. His journey takes him through a series of unforgettable trips and lessons that fracture his worldview. Guided by his instructors, Will examines the relationship of diet to human evolution, and he discovers how the wisdom of the Ancient Masters and the science of quantum physics can help us access our true potential. With the constant reminder of how fragile our lives are, Will pushes himself out of his comfort zone as he opens his heart to the young woman who tends the garden, and he discovers ways to help himself and others lead better lives.
Rita H. Joyce was born in Seattle, Washington, graduating from Franklin High School. She attended some classes at the University of Washington, but her college career was curtailed when a home emergency forced her to go to work to help support her family. She has a birth daughter, an adopted daughter, five stepchildren, and is twice widowed. Following her dreams led her and her second husband to move to Florida in 2000, where she has lived ever since.
Joyce is the author of three self-published books- Her first (Gozzy Goose's Christmas Gift) (e-book only) was chosen in 2002 for the Under Nine Literacy Promotion at Universal Cineplex, City Walk, Universal Studios and promoted as one of the Stories From the Silver Screen! A limited revised edition was also self published in 2015 but is out of print. Two sequels were written but not published. There was also a Read-Along CD with an original song that is being considered for release as a DVD.
Hiram Bookers became disenchanted with his life on the east coast and sold his merchant fleet involved in the Slave Trade and bought a large parcel south of Santa Barbara. After he built his home, he advertised for a mail order bride. While on a hunting trip, Hiram was shot and left for dead. He was found and taken to the hospital by Tommy Sanchez, the son of Sitting Bull and his wife Sarah who'd been married to Crazy Horse, the Indian hero of the Battle of the Little BigHorn. When Hiram recovered, he was suffering from amnesia. Tommy Sanchez and his wife took him in and employed him at their ranch. The county sheriff, seeking reelection, sensed that Silas Smith, as Bookers was now called, may have been involved in a robbery of a special train, carrying thirty thousand in money for a new bank in Santa Barbara. The sheriff harassed Silas until he uncovered evidence pointing at him as one of the train bandits. It was Tommy Sanchez who found the clues pointing to someone else. He came up with a plan to free Smith, uncover his past and identify the actual train robber.
Someone once said, "Too soon old, too late smart," but what if you had the chance to live your entire life with the wisdom of age? Dana Gordon, through a series of unforeseen events, is going to get just that opportunity. Her life will be changed forever before she even lives it.
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