“This adventure tale delivers a strong cast of unusual characters whose lives intersect in Chicago and take them across the Pacific to Vietnam and Cambodia. Weaving together ancient Southeast Asian legend, American military involvement in Vietnam, and Chicago entrepreneurship in the late eighties, the scope is ambitious and the result rewarding. Intelligent female and male leads must trust each other as they pursue a lost treasure and a medieval culture to which their newest friend is the royal heir. Sexy and suspenseful, I can’t wait for the sequel.” D. Mercer
“If you are looking for action and adventure, danger and romance, this book is for you. I was especially stricken by the beautiful word pictures which made me feel as though I were really there with the characters, whether in the jungles of Vietnam or wending my way through the concrete jungle of Chicago. This literature is well worth your time and be prepared for a heart pumping experience!” S. Reynolds
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