Showing 19–27 of 75 resultsSorted by price: low to high
75 Messages: Daily Thoughts of Life
$9.99 Quick View75 Messages: Daily Thoughts of Life
A Friend is something Special because Jesus calls us His Friend. John 15:13 says "Greater Love hath no man that he lay down his life for his Friends." In the book of John 15:14 Jesus said "Ye are my Friends if ye do whatsoever I command you." Apostle Dr. Elbert Bolden is my friend. Over 20 years ago he followed the instructions of GOD that prophesied that I would someday have a ministry serving the Lord. Due to the friendship, mentorship, leadership and guidance of Apostle Dr. Elbert Bolden this prophecy has come to pass.
On My Honor – The Model Scout
$9.99 Quick ViewOn My Honor – The Model Scout
Evil people are out there. How they always seem to surface in Mike Robert's orbit is a mystery to him, but it's happening again. Mike Roberts was the unanimous choice to be Scoutmaster of his son's troop. As a trustworthy, loyal, helpful, etc. person in everyday life, he lived the scout law. True to form, life will spiral to depths he seems to go too often, taking his wife and daughter down with him, this time.
Huckleberry Dick: A love story Detective Tale
$9.99 Quick ViewHuckleberry Dick: A love story Detective Tale
This book is a love story, a detective tale. You decide if it's a great American novel.
Joe Freedom is a private investigator who finds lost things. Sometimes they don't want to be found, which makes it all the more interesting. And for the first time since the last time, he's found love, or thinks he has, shrinks he has. (You'll see).
The case: Professor Otis Grille's daughter Alex is missing. Her family and friends are clueless as to her whereabouts. Joe and his therapist, Vana Fox, team up to profile Alex, search for her, and learn to love each other. They practice often.
Why is Alexandra Grille hiding out at the Bayview Rehab Center under a cloak of deniability and doctor-patient privilege? She paid cash. She told no one. Is she running away from herself or from someone else? Can Joe find the professor's daughter before something awful befalls her?
Prose, rap, and other poetic pursuits provide the backdrop for clues and blues. How is a part-time PI supposed to find someone so intent on being lost? Does love get in the way? How can it not? Vana's hot.
Those are the questions. You'll find your answers within.$9.99
The Human Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane
$10.20 Quick ViewThe Human Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane
This past April 14, 2016, Nita Raye and I celebrated our fiftieth wedding anniversary surrounded by our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, plus many good friends. The joy was overwhelming. The reflection on all those memories brought tears of rejoicing to our eyes, and we thanked and praised God for His many blessings. Jesus was and is God, but for a time and a purpose, he put on the cloak of humanity and wept like we do for the suffering of others and finally for his own impending trail and anguish. Jesus, as God, knew what was coming and had prepared himself for it from the foundation of the world. He was ready to rescue all humanity from Satan's lair. Jesus, the human son of man, had to overcome his humanity in his garden of Gethsemane before He could accomplish His godly task on Earth. All of us have events in our lives that spiritually we have prepared for, yet when the trial presents itself, we try to avoid it. Jesus prayed three times at an hour each time to have this horrific event taken from Him instead of having to go through it. Yet in the end He accepts it for you and me and for the joy beyond. Today, we rejoice in God for his trustworthiness with family, friends, and our two little helpers, Mr. Cooper and Miss Molly. Blessings to all Cooper and Molly had a question for God: I asked my Creator why he had make me thus, I must look to my master for food and shelter and such. He smiled and said, "I did it so you could teach my man that all he receives in this life and beyond comes not from his work or wisdom but are gifts of love from His master's hand."
Conservative Views On Modern Capitalism In The United States
$10.25 Quick ViewConservative Views On Modern Capitalism In The United States
The purpose of this book is to provide a lay reader who knows little or nothing about the workings of the U. S. Economic System a background on its birth, its concepts of operation, its mechanics of operation, and a number of economic issues currently under great scrutiny in the United States. There are three sections to the book. Section 1: Economics Defined and the Foundation of Capitalism discuss the theoretical and conceptual make-up of Capitalism as defined by its creator, Adam Smith in 1776. Section II: The Mechanics of Capitalism, discusses how the capitalistic economic system is designed to work, and particularly how the U. S. Capitalist Economic System has been tailored to work for us as a nation of consumers and businesses. Finally, Section III: U. S. Economic Issues discusses the various economic issues which the American public and businesses face in the U. S. In this section, each chapter deals with one specific issue and addresses the current economic conditions, areas of failures of the government sector to apply capitalism concepts to each of the problems at hand, and one or more recommendations by the author to resolve the issues via better implementation of the capitalist model and concepts originated by Adam Smith.
This book contains two specific elements that many economic treatises fail to provide. One is a relatively vast amount of statistical data in order to provide the reader with facts that support the author's depiction of the issue(s) at hand in each chapter. Then the author will provide what I consider both reasonable and attainable methods of change to greatly improve upon the troublesome issue that is in one or more ways damaging the capability of the U. S. Economy to serve the American public and businesses to its desired potential via its true original concepts. These recommendations are oftentimes considered "conservative economics'' in nature because they tend to return to the original concepts envisioned by the founder of Capitalism, Adam Smith. However, there are times in the books where some of my recommendations will, indeed, go outside the normal bounds of Adam Smith's teachings because the current risks to the American public is too great to use singular and/or non-complex policies to move the U. S. Economy in what the author believes is the necessary direction(s). However, as the author, I admit unequivocally to be a conservative economist at heart and intellecturally.$10.25
The Wounded Breed
$10.25 Quick ViewThe Wounded Breed
TRUE TO HIS WORD, Joseph Horn Cloud presented White Bird to the Pine Ridge Indian Council for a Trial on Behalf of the four soldiers. Their verdict, which Joseph and his brother feared, was a lifetime ban from the Sioux Nation and all its followers. It was to commence in ten days, White Lance and his brother had expected a similar fate for their younger brother, but not one of that length.
Their parting was one of sadness. They loved their white brother and would miss him forever. but they knew in their heart that this was just a verdict and not as great as the court in Santa Barbara had pronounced.
White Bird vowed to his brother that he would devote the remainder of his life to being a good man and one they could be proud of. He spent the next week in meditation at his parent's grave and at the monument at Wounded Knee. He then left the area and headed south toward Sidney. He found Rosita Riley in a dirty saloon on the outskirts of the town and asked her to forgive him. He learned that he had a son who was four years old.$10.25
$10.99 Quick ViewBackfired
Be careful what you wish for! Some girls have high school crushes, but they get over them. Nick had an unending crush on Jeanie that started in high school and lasted well into adulthood. He was willing to go to any means to be with her. Any means. This took him down a deadly path, and he had no idea what was coming next.